The Role of Lateral Thinking in Whole Brain® Thinking

Whole Brain® Thinking, based on the premise of valuing diverse thinking styles, plays a vital role in effective decision-making. It recognises the unique strengths of analytical, practical, relational and experimental thinking. As for the meaning of lateral thinking,...

How Your Job Can Shape Your Brain: Impact of Work on Cognitive Abilities

We all know that jobs have a significant impact on our lives. For most of us, Mondays to Fridays are spent working and although this earns us money, it can also affect our physical and mental health, social lives and overall well-being. There is, interestingly,...

Overcoming Obstacles to Professional Development: strategies for addressing time constraints, budget limitations, and other barriers

Professional development is essential for individuals seeking to advance in their careers, gain new skills, and remain competitive in their field. However, there are often obstacles that make it difficult to pursue professional...

Neurodiversity, Cognitive Diversity and where the HBDI® fits

We are often asked how the HBDI and Whole Brain® Thinking relate to neurodiverse groups. To answer this question, we need to distinguish the difference between neurodiversity, neurodivergence, neuro-types and cognitive diversity. What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity...
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5 Tips to Build a Winning Customer Strategy

5 Tips to Build a Winning Customer Strategy

What is customer strategy? Creating loyalty towards your brand is one of the best things you can do for your organisation. Loyal customers will continue to purchase your products or services, are willing to try new products, and they will often share positive reviews...

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Enduring, and coming out of a Pandemic: Key Takeaways

Enduring, and coming out of a Pandemic: Key Takeaways

The pandemic disrupted life and work as we knew it. It was a period that compelled organisations to change the way they operated and shifted tens of millions of office employees into remote work. Pre COVID, it was hard to imagine we could work from home in the way we...

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Energy Management Habit 6: Ask for H.E.L.P

Energy Management Habit 6: Ask for H.E.L.P

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen. Now, we might be putting all these energy management tools into practice and still feel deprived of energy. This especially rings true for those of us who constantly experience high...

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Energy Management Habit 5: Taking Care of Your Body

Energy Management Habit 5: Taking Care of Your Body

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen. When we’re working remotely or transitioning into hybrid working, remembering to implement exercise and healthy habits into our everyday life is even more difficult than under normal...

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Energy Management Habit 4: Be Mindful

Energy Management Habit 4: Be Mindful

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the idea of learning how to be fully present and engaged in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgment...

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How to switch off: the challenging side of virtual work

How to switch off: the challenging side of virtual work

Nearly a year and a half into the pandemic, the ‘new normal’ isn’t looking so new anymore. We’ve all had a crash course in remote work and all its ups and downs. We’ve adjusted our working styles to suit the new reality and have learned new strategies for being...

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Energy Management Habit 1: Managing Your Mindset

Energy Management Habit 1: Managing Your Mindset

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen Humans are creatures of habit. It’s been over a year since COVID-19 became an all-encompassing threat to our health and wellbeing, and working online has become our new normal. Where...

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Creativity, Learning and the Specialised Brain

Creativity, Learning and the Specialised Brain

This article is adapted from Ned Herrmann’s original paper: Creativity, Learning and the Specialised Brain In the Context of Education for Gifted and Talented Children* I would like to acquaint you with my specialised language, which is the new language of brain...

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