Neurodiversity, Cognitive Diversity and where the HBDI® fits

We are often asked how the HBDI and Whole Brain® Thinking relate to neurodiverse groups. To answer this question, we need to distinguish the difference between neurodiversity, neurodivergence, neuro-types and cognitive diversity. What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity...

Boosting employee engagement: Strategies for a more productive and motivated workforce

Employee engagement is a critical factor in organisational success. It refers to the level of emotional commitment that employees have to their work and their organisation. Engaged employees are more productive, motivated, and likely to stay with their employer for a...

What is cognitive diversity?

It is not uncommon for people to clash with their colleagues at work. This can often be due to conflicting opinions, different levels of experience or knowledge, miscommunications, and a range of other issues. It’s important to remember that everyone has different...

What does teamwork mean to you?

Soft skills are essential for success in the workplace. They can help you increase productivity, foster better working relationships and build trust between yourself and your co-workers. Having strong soft skills can also boost your confidence and make it easier to...
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Coaching Women Leaders with Whole Brain® Thinking

Coaching Women Leaders with Whole Brain® Thinking

In a recent Certified Practitioners Workshop, Master Facilitator and Green Leaf Consulting founder, Cynthia Radford discussed the 7 Power Gaps that prevent professional women from achieving their highest potential (researched and written by Kathy Caprino). A power gap...

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5 Tips to Build a Winning Customer Strategy

5 Tips to Build a Winning Customer Strategy

What is customer strategy? Creating loyalty towards your brand is one of the best things you can do for your organisation. Loyal customers will continue to purchase your products or services, are willing to try new products, and they will often share positive reviews...

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Gap Analysis: How to identify a knowledge gap in your team

Gap Analysis: How to identify a knowledge gap in your team

Have you ever found your business in a situation where you don’t have the information or knowledge to achieve a desired outcome? That’s a knowledge gap. A simple but potentially detrimental mistake made by an employee; followed by “I didn’t know I was supposed to do...

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Attracting and Retaining Talented Employees

Attracting and Retaining Talented Employees

The Great Resignation is spreading across the globe, that’s if it hasn’t already. The Great Resignation is a phenomenon originating in the US during the first year of the pandemic. American’s by the millions were quitting their jobs. Restrictions gave employees time...

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Overcoming Professional Ghosting: Try this first!

Overcoming Professional Ghosting: Try this first!

We’ve all been there. That uncomfortable feeling when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, someone stops responding to our messages or isn’t taking our calls. No, we’re not talking about an ex-relationship gone sour, we’re talking about professional ghosting. ...

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Enduring, and coming out of a Pandemic: Key Takeaways

Enduring, and coming out of a Pandemic: Key Takeaways

The pandemic disrupted life and work as we knew it. It was a period that compelled organisations to change the way they operated and shifted tens of millions of office employees into remote work. Pre COVID, it was hard to imagine we could work from home in the way we...

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Return to Office: What Managers Can Do

Return to Office: What Managers Can Do

The prevailing view before the pandemic was that offices were necessary for ensuring productivity, culture, and team camaraderie. However, with two out of every three Australians working from home and workforce productivity increasing by 6.5 percent over the year, it...

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