How to deal with workplace conflict

It's no secret that work, in some form or another, plays a huge role in our lives. Many of us spend 8 or more hours a day at the office. With so much of our time taken up by these duties, it is important that you get along with the colleagues around you. Working...

Career planning: Is it worth it?

Career planning is the process of choosing or changing a career. It can be an ongoing process that you revisit throughout your life, or it can be a one-time event, such as when you are choosing a tertiary education path.  There are many factors to consider when...

6 Ways to Innovate in an Economic Downturn

What causes an economic downturn? A number of factors can contribute to an economic downturn, including a decrease in consumer spending, an increase in unemployment, or a decrease in exports. A downturn can have a significant impact on businesses and consumers alike....

With the rise of automation in jobs, how can people stay relevant?

It's no secret that technology is constantly changing and evolving. What was once cutting-edge quickly becomes outdated, and new advancements are constantly being made. This can be seen in nearly every industry, as technology develops so do the types of jobs that are...
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Human Connections in a Digital Workplace with the HBDI®

Human Connections in a Digital Workplace with the HBDI®

Over the past couple of years most companies have transitioned permanently to working remotely in some capacity, while others have even given up the office for good. But despite the convenience of working from home and saving time on the commute, it’s likely this will...

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Energy Management Habit 6: Ask for H.E.L.P

Energy Management Habit 6: Ask for H.E.L.P

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen. Now, we might be putting all these energy management tools into practice and still feel deprived of energy. This especially rings true for those of us who constantly experience high...

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Energy Management Habit 5: Taking Care of Your Body

Energy Management Habit 5: Taking Care of Your Body

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen. When we’re working remotely or transitioning into hybrid working, remembering to implement exercise and healthy habits into our everyday life is even more difficult than under normal...

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Energy Management Habit 4: Be Mindful

Energy Management Habit 4: Be Mindful

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the idea of learning how to be fully present and engaged in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgment...

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Energy Management Habit 1: Managing Your Mindset

Energy Management Habit 1: Managing Your Mindset

This article is a guest post from our partner Dr. Jay Chopra of Making Shift Happen Humans are creatures of habit. It’s been over a year since COVID-19 became an all-encompassing threat to our health and wellbeing, and working online has become our new normal. Where...

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How to be a great hybrid manager

How to be a great hybrid manager

Flexible work is no longer an afterthought for employees, it’s the future of work…and it’s happening now. Flexible working was once a perk, now it’s a necessity and it plays a large part in how potential employees choose their employer. If you’re about to start...

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How to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

How to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

The common perception is that diversity and inclusion is an HR prerogative. But that’s not true. While the HR team is responsible for driving diversity and inclusion in the workplace, it needs to be a leadership priority that works from the top down. Embracing...

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How to build Psychological Safety within Your Team

How to build Psychological Safety within Your Team

The highest-performing teams have one thing in common: psychological safety. But what exactly is it? According to Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, who coined the term: “Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for...

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